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Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau

Professor of Psychology, Kingston University



Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau is Professor of Psychology at Kingston University. The focus of his research is on creativity, casting it as a process rather than as a feature of someone’s brain, thinking style or personality. From this perspective, creativity emerges from a contingent and somewhat unpredictable trajectory. A product deemed creative, either in art, design or engineering, is an interactive co-construction that transforms people and things. His recent projects on creative problem solving have drawn inspiration from William James and Bruno Latour. He co-edited (with Stephen Cowley) Cognition Beyond the Brain (2017); he edited Insight: On the Origins of New Ideas (Routledge, 2018). His upcoming book explores the application of concepts and methods from science and technology studies to research on creativity: Systemic Creative Cognition: Bruno Latour for Creativity Researchers (Routledge, 2023). Along with Linden Ball, he edited the upcoming Routledge International Handbook of Creative Cognition.

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